I spoke to the girls last night and they were somewhere by Reno, Nevada and making their way home. They seemed more than ready to be done with this extremely long vacation.
I now need to design my plan of attack for the summer, and lay down the law when they return early next week. This is what I have come up with:
No sleeping until 11:00 every morning.
No lounging around in your pajamas until 1:00 in the afternoon in front of the T.V. with a box of Big
No sitting in front of the computer for hours watching
Smosh videos on
No whining or complaining when you hear that our day will consist of cleaning our rooms and doing chores around the house.
No waiting until August 18
th to read the required book and write the report that is due the first week of school.
This is what we WILL do:
We will plan our week in advance, which will include work, and fun.
We will keep our rooms clean throughout the week so that it is not an all day project that includes screaming, slamming doors, and long faces.
We will make ourselves something to eat and will clean up after ourselves so that our Mother is not constantly cleaning the kitchen, screaming and slamming doors.
We will have T.V. time, computer time, and
Xbox 360,
Playstation 3,
Wii, and Nintendo
DS time. Obviously not in one day, but we will work something out.
We will go to the Library once a week to get new books.
We will have a job posting that will include various jobs around the house that need to be completed every week. You may choose the jobs you want to complete. It will be on a first come first serve basis.
We will get to choose our favorite fun things to do at the beginning of summer and they will go into a jar that we will take turns drawing from at the beginning of each week. (We have done this before and it is a lot of fun)
We can have our friends sleep over as
often as we'd like as long as our work is done.
And last but not least, we WILL go see the Jonas Brothers on August 22
nd!!!!!!!!! (As long as the preceding items are followed)
I will try not to bombard the girls with my demands as soon as they return from their trip, and I will work on my presentation so as not to incite a riot. Wish me luck!