Holy canoli did that go by fast. Right about now, 9 years ago, I think I was getting ready to walk down the isle. I hate being in front of a large group where all the attention is centered on me. I get horribly nervous. Nick thought it would be a great idea to say our own vows unprompted by the minister. I knew it was a bad idea and voiced my concern, but Nick assured me that I would be fine. The minister promised me that if I drew a blank, he would hand me my little sheet of paper and I could read my vows. Well, guess what.....I drew a blank, as I KNEW I would. And guess what else.....The minister didn't have my vows. So technically, as Nick loves to point out frequently in our 9 years of splendor, we aren't really married. I never said my vows. I didn't even say something generic. I just stood there in total panic, cursing the minister. Probably not the best idea to curse a minister. And I am sure I gave my brand spanking new husband the evil eye, which would be the first of many that he would receive from me.
Lets back up a little. February 2nd, 2002, we were at our favorite restaurant having dinner before heading to the Playhouse to see Stomp. Nick was acting like a total nut job. He wouldn't let the Maitre D' take his winter coat. Then 90 seconds later he changed his mind and had to chase the little Brazilian man to the coat check. I wondered what the heck was wrong with him and thought maybe he inhaled too much exhaust on the sidewalk walking to the restaurant. Anyway, after dinner, the waiter brought over a box that was intricately wrapped in a napkin and put it in front of me. I opened it and it was a box of my favorite chocolate truffles. I thought, hmmm, okay, that's a little weird, but whatever. I like truffles so I dive right in and take a bite. Then before I can swallow the first bite, Nick starts talking about our lives and how much I mean to him. I kind of got the idea that he was going to ask me something life altering. All I could do was smile. Like a really big smile, and I probably still had chocolate on my teeth. When he asked me to marry him, I said nothing. I was really excited and all I could do was smile and wrap my arms around him. I didn't know that I didn't say yes until much later. I was screaming it in my head, but apparently the words never made it out. So here I am, 9 years later, with 2 more kids and a big house, living in the country. I never even said yes!
I love being married to Nick. He is my very best friend. His number one priority in life is taking care of his family, and providing a good life for us. I am so grateful that he chose me to spend his life with, and I love him more every year that goes by. Happy Anniversary, Nick.