Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long Days, Cheerleaders, Homecoming, Boys, and Dogs

This is how I feel lately. My kids probably think I look like this too. (Minus the big boobs, of course)

In the last month or so, this house has turned upside down, and I am just about ready to crack. Nick has been working some serious overtime lately. My father in law works for Nick and between the two of them, alternate the late nights at the office. My mother in law has been sick so my father in law has not been able to work. Therefore, Nick leaves for work at about 7:30 in the morning and comes home around 9:00 every night. I try not to complain, and I know it is out of every one's control, but these long days with no end in sight are wearing me down.

Because I love to spread myself as thin as possible, I decided to accept the position of Treasurer of the cheerleading group. I knew what I was getting myself into, and was ready to make big changes. There have been some discrepancies in past years with how the funds were monitored and allocated. The other parents and I were ready for a change. In the past couple weeks, I have found myself at the head of the group ready to take on the big bad coaches and fight for what is right. I am NOT a confrontational person. At all. Yet, I am about to declare war on a group of people who have been in their positions for 8 years. By day I am on the phone lining my ducks, and by night I lie in bed and wonder what in the heck I am doing. The ball has started rolling so I can't turn back now.  I have no idea what the outcome will be, nor who will back me up in the end. I am just going by what I think is right and I can't leave it alone until I have had my say.

On to the next subject. Homecoming is just around the corner and we have been in full swing preparing for it. For the past 2 years, Taylor has gone by herself with a group of people. She is a little bit of a late bloomer and was not ready for dates. Last year was not an enjoyable time for her with either the preparations or the event. And it certainly wasn't one of my finer memories. I decided that she was not allowed to go this year unless she was asked by a date. There was too much money involved and too much stress for her to go and feel like a 3rd wheel and not have fun. Homecoming is in 9 days. For 3 days, Taylor has been texting and talking to a boy at school. Last night at the dinner table I asked if there was a chance they could be going to the dance. I got the look. The one that says I just asked the most ridiculous question. But.....after dinner, she was perusing the internet looking at dresses. Lord help me.

Then there is Shea. Shea, Shea, Shea. My little grown-up 9th grader. She is NOT a late bloomer, and will be the death of me, I swear. She has 2 boys interested in her and was asked by one of them to go to the dance. Shea is about as casual as they come. She wears soccer shorts and t-shirts to school, and has never worn heels in her life. I was dreading shopping for a dress. It was a piece of cake and we found a dress in 1 hour. The shoes are giving us a little bit of trouble, but if she has to wear some fancy embellished flats, I don't think anyone will care. I have forbidden flip flops of any kind. Meanwhile, these two boys have begun a mild rivalry with each other, and Shea is caught in the middle.

This brings me to the next issue that keeps me awake at night when I am not thinking about fundraising money and treasurers. What are my rules going to be about dating? Shea has become the guinea pig on this subject, and I have told her to be patient with me. I have been compiling thoughts on rules and regulations and am about to have a long talk with this gal. To make matters more difficult, one of the boys is a 10th grader and the other is an 11th grader. (Who is about to get his driver’s license). I have Nick in my ear repeating over and over again that he doesn’t like it and I need to put a stop to it, and I have Shea in the other ear telling me it’s not a big deal. I fall somewhere in the middle. It’s enough to make me go insane.

Lastly, my precious little Gio has been driving me crazy and costing me tons of money. In the past month he ate a poisonous mushroom from our yard and almost died. He got neutered and had 4 teeth pulled. He has chewed every toy, book, puzzle, sock and shoe left on the floor. And he has learned that chasing cars down our street while his owner is running after him screaming “You want a treat?!” is tons of fun. No, the husband does not know best. It was NOT a mistake to get a dog!

Better days must be coming my way soon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to Pre-School

 I have 6 hours and 45 minutes a week with one child. What ever will I do? Hmmmm........I haven't a clue. One thing is for certain.....Nicholas is going to love it.