Taylor and Shea left on Saturday with their Dad for a 2 and 1/2 week trip to California. I was very sad to see them go. That is a long time to be without them. Isabella asks about them several times a day. This will be the longest that they have been gone since she was born. She is not going to want them out of her sight when they finally come home. I am already counting the days until they return.
We went to the duck pond on Saturday to feed the ducks and the fish. Isabella had a hard time grasping the concept that the bread was for throwing into the pond and not for eating. Isabella loved walking on the path, picking flowers and enjoying nature. While we were feeding the ducks, a mother deer and her 2 babies came up behind us. The babies were the smallest I have ever seen. The mother was not scared of us, but the babies shyed away from us when we tried to take their picture. Nick was able to get one picture of one of the babies, which we zoomed in. It was one of the coolest things we have ever seen.
We will have to stay busy so that we don't miss Taylor and Shea too much. One positive is that my house should stay much cleaner! I should be able to keep in touch with them daily as long as Taylor remembers to keep her cell phone charged! If they send some pictures, I will share them.
Those two little one are realy cute. I bet that they look a lot like their papa on the father's side.
Sandy, I LOVE your site ITS GREAT. Now I can see my grandchildren on line everyday. Dad C
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