Monday, July 28, 2008

The Bunny Saga Continues.......

I am starting to freak out. The Rescue Village turned us away. Can they do that? I thought the idea of a Humane Society was to take in abandoned animals. How can they pick and choose which abandoned animals they are going to rescue? I called several 4-H leaders and am waiting to hear back from some of them. The others told me - no thanks. The pet store said they couldn't take him for liability reasons, and suggested that we let him go in the wild. The 4-H person told me not to let him out in the wild because he would die. Good advice Mr. Pet Shop Manager!

I am waiting to hear from the Rabbit Rescue League (Yes they actually have their own rescue league) and the Cleveland APL. I am hoping that one of them will take it. I may be driving all the way to Cuyahoga Falls tomorrow, which is where the rescue league is located, but if that's what I have to do, them so be it.


Sarah said...

Call Renee...she'll take him! Just kidding...but I know she has gone to that bunny place in Cuy. Falls so she can tell you where it is.

Anonymous said...

Hi. My name is Amanda Butts and I am the Intake Supervisor for the Cleveland Animal Protective League. We would be more than happy to take your rabbit. We have several available for adoption at this time, but could always make room for one more! If you would like, I can set you up with an appointment to surrender your rabbit. Please feel free to contact me at 216.377.1635 and we can set something up. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you!
Amanda Butts