Sunday we went to the Zoo for the day. The sky looked threatening all day and the weather channel said there was a 70% chance of rain, but we took the chance anyway. The weather was perfect all day, but very hot and muggy. Of course, Nicholas did not want to sit in his stroller, so carrying him around most of the day was not only killing my arms and back, but it added about 10 degrees of heat. In addition, his new thing is to wrap his arms tightly around the back of my neck, and pull my hair with both hands as hard as he can until I can pry his fingers open. Other than that.....I had a good time.
By the end of the day, the wind had seriously picked up and we thought we should head out before we were stuck in a storm walking back to our car. By the time we got home an hour later, the wind was so high that our trees in the woods were bending almost completely sideways. Taylor and Shea were outside in the yard and heard several neighbors' trees falling. At 8:00 that night, our power went out. Since I am rarely prepared for such events, we had 1 flashlight that had a rechargeable battery. I lit a ton of candles, and we sat in the dark hoping that the lights would come back on. They didn't. We put Isabella in our bed because we were afraid that we wouldn't hear her without the baby monitor working. She thought we were having a party and would not stop talking to Nick and me. We finally got her to fall asleep, but we were suddenly awakened by a Bat in our room trying to fly out our window. I think bats are disgusting and they scare the hell out of me, so to have one in my bedroom at 3:00 AM is very alarming. He flew out of our room and Nick couldn't find him anywhere in the house. So we had to try to go back to sleep and hope he stayed away from us. By morning, the power was still out, so I took the kids to school late, and then went to my parents house to hang out with them for the day. They also did not have power, but I did not want to be in the house with the bat.
My father-in-law came over later that night while the kids and I were at WalMart buying water and flashlights to capture the bat. I will not get into details, but let's just say, that bat made a fatal error flying into our house on Sunday.
Finally, late Monday night, our power came back on. I was so thankful! It felt like days had gone by, but it was only 26 hours. We have well water, so when the power goes out, so does our water. We can't run the water in the sinks, and we can't flush the toilets. We had buckets of pool water from my parents house to pour down the toilet every time we had to flush. We were brushing our teeth and washing our faces with bottled drinking water. It was a pain in the butt! I would never survive without the comforts of modern civilization.
1 comment:
Hi Sandy-
A couple things...
Patrick does the same hair pulling thing to me...I swear I have a bald patch on the back of my neck.
The other thing...
not to freak you out, but my sister and brother-in-law had the same thing happen to them with the bat thing...but the bat BIT David when he was sleeping! He had to get major shots, etc.
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