FIFTEEN YEARS!!! So hard to believe that 15 years ago last night your Dad and I set out for the hospital in the middle of a blizzard. I had no idea how much my life would change from the moment you were born. Suddenly it all fell into place. At that moment I felt like I had a purpose in life. I was 23 years old and I was suddenly responsible for another human being. Now that I have babies again, I often wonder how I got along back then. I had no idea what I was doing, but somehow, I figured it out. You were my little doll, and I never wanted to be separated from you.
You have always been a bright, creative, inquisitive, complex child, and you always keep us laughing. From your bellowing singing at the most inoportune moments (such as, first thing in the morning, at the dinner table, and when I am trying to get the little kids to bed); your hand stands in the middle of the living room floor, your Riverdancing throught the kitchen, and last but not least your cheerleading routines in front of the hallway mirror.
You are responsible, diligent, and very organized. I am always so impressed by the way you organize things with your lists and your charts. You have been a big help to me around the house with your great tips and ideas.
You have brought me so much joy, and it has been a bittersweet journey to watch to grow into such a wonderful young lady.
We love you very much Taylor Devon! Happy Birthday!!
Taylor, It has been a blessing to watch you grow into such a beautiful teenager. I can remember like it was yesterday when I asked you do you want to call me grandpa or papa and you said to me, anyone can be a grandpa but it takes someone special to be a papa. I hope that I have lived up to being a papa in your eyes. Happy Birthday and we will see you on Sunday.
Nonni and Papa
After being gone for the last month without internet I finally caught up with your blog.
You have such a gift for words! I love to read your comments about the kids. These last ones brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful mom and daughter!!
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