Taylor has a friend who is always in need of a ride to and from where ever. She is not a good friend, but more of a group friend, and fellow cheerleader. When the group of kids plan an evening out, her parents never offer to drive. In fact, I have never met her parents. They are never at the sporting events, and have never been to our house to pick up their daughter. She always gets a ride from another parent.
This week was the start of a week long cheerleading clinic, which will be followed by tryouts on Saturday morning. Taylor takes a gymnastics class on Friday nights, and they offer an open gym class on Tuesday nights for anyone who wants to come. Taylor and her friends decided that they all wanted to go to the open gym class on Tuesday so that they could have as much practice before the tryouts as possible. Cheerleading practice ended at 6:30 and open gym started at 8:00. Of course this one friend in particular did not have a ride home from practice or a ride to gymnastics at 8:00. I told Taylor that her friend could come home with Taylor and eat dinner here before going to gymnastics. Another parent was going to pick up both girls at our house and drive them all to gymnastics.
Yesterday morning before school Taylor advised me that this girl was a vegetarian and to keep that in mind while I was cooking dinner. I asked if she was a vegetarian for health or religious reasons, and Taylor said that she just didn't like meat. Okay, whatever. I planned a meal specifically for this kid. I made a pasta dish with cut up asparagus cooked in a garlic and Parmesan cheese sauce, and I also made a ceasar salad. On our way home from practice, I asked Taylor's friend if she liked asparagus. I assumed that a "vegetarian" liked most vegetables, especially asparagus. She answered "I don't know." When we got home, I discovered that she does not like salad and she picked at her dinner, which eventually she did finish. I asked her what she normally eats for dinner, and she said cookies, candy, chips and milkshakes. Taylor looked at her like she had 2 heads and said - "But what do you eat to stay healthy?" The girl said "Nothing".
Where are this girls parents??? They are never around to watch her at her school activities, and they are obviously never around to cook her dinner, so she is left to fend for herself at 15 and chooses to eat cookies and chips for dinner every night. I was appalled! What is wrong with people? In 3 years, this girl is going to hopefully go off to college and her parents are going to be alone in a quiet house and wonder how they missed so much of their kids lives. Or maybe they won't, and that is really sad.