Friday, May 1, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

Yesterday I commented on how nothing profound has been happening that warranted a post on my blog. Well that changed last night. Right before bedtime, Isabella and I were sitting on the couch and she jumped from the arm of the couch onto me and both her knees went into my side. Of course they crashed into the squishy area that was not surrounded by any bones to protect my organs. After I got my breath back a few minutes later it wasn't hurting much anymore. But within an hour, I was doubled over in pain. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but this was no joke. All the kids were sleeping so Nick called my parents and asked them to come over so that we could head to the emergency room.

After 3 1/2 hours and a CAT Scan, they revealed that I was not bleeding internally and just had a bruised kidney and/or spleen, and sent me packing.

I think my kids are trying to kill me. They have been wearing me down psychologically all week and when they realized they weren't getting anywhere, they decided to up the torture. They probably have side bets going as to who can cause the most damage. I'm on to you kids!

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