But.....I also love fall. It's not my favorite, but I do love it. And what better way to kick start the fall than by going to Patterson's Fruit Farm to pick apples. Last Friday, my nieces, Paige and Chloe had the day off from school for a staff day. Taylor and Shea did not have the day off so they couldn't come. (I tried to keep the outing a secret, but they found out and were a little miffed that they had to spend the day in school.) The little kids and I met Penny and the girls and my parents at Patterson's and picked some apples and then went to the Holden Arboretum for a picnic.
I permitted Nicholas and Isabella to eat one apple each while we were picking, and I made sure that they were small ones.

Even my Dad's youngest and most favorite daughter, Abby came with us. (She's the one in Black)
No No No. You have it all wrong! You TOLD us that you were going to pick apples. And it's not like it was the END OF THE WORLD for me when you said we weren't going! Get Yer Facts Right Lady. Haha. - Your Darling Shea :]
Wrong, my little darling Shea! Taylor found it marked on my calendar. Then you piped in, "You're going apple picking??" And I apologized that you couldn't come this time, but that we could go another time! Keep your memory in check girly. - Your loving mother :]
Oh whatever. Still, I was not mad. HAHAHA.
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