Clear the roadways, Taylor will be on them shortly and I won't be in the passenger seat hitting the imaginary break pedal under my feet.
Sixteen?? Seriously? How did it happen that I have a sixteen year old? I vividly remember being sixteen and it doesn't seem that long ago. I got my driver's license shortly after my birthday, and I decided to drive my friend to the movies to celebrate. I was obviously not an experienced driver at night because I was on the opposite side of the road and had no idea. My friend calmly said "Sandy, you might want to get back over in your lane". Somehow we made it to and from the movie theater that night and neither I nor she ever thought it was that big of a deal that I was driving on the wrong side of the road. Those are the kind of things that can bring a mother to her knees.
I suppose there are several milestone birthdays in a child's life that are marked with more importance than the rest. To me, this is the biggest one yet. This is what it's all about. All those years of teaching and guiding come down to this day. Have I taught her well enough to make good decisions and be resposible for herself and whom ever else should happen to be in that car with her? I think I have.
I am immensely proud of Taylor and all that she has accomplished. She has been (and still is) my greatest challenge in life. She is strong-willed, quick-witted and has an argument for everything. All the attributes that make her a tough child to raise, but will eventually make her a successful, independent, powerful woman. God help me to get her to that point!!
I love you Taylor! Have a very happy 16th birthday!!!
Happy 16th Birthday Taylor, 16 is such a great time, its a time for fun. You will have your whole life to grow up so for now just enjoy life. We are so proud to see what a wonderful young lady you have become. Enjoy the next 364 days and have a great year, but safe but have fun. Love you Nonni and Papa C
Isaac is taking the classes right now..and I hear EVERYTHING you are saying. It's NOT fun, is it? Nerve racking...especially thinking about OUR experiences????
How can they be 16 already?
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