Monday, December 22, 2008

Our Weekend in a Nutshell

As of last Friday, we had one joint gift for two of our children, and one joint gift for our Nephews, and one joint gift for our Nieces. Being 6 days before Christmas I was starting to do my usual freak out for my own procrastination.

We had Nick's company Christmas party on Friday night. My parents graciously offered to babysit the kids so that we could get all dressed up and go to a cocktail party. It was so nice to go somewhere and talk to adults, eat delicious hors d'oeuvres and drink a glass of red wine. I did not have to think about the kids at home because I knew they were well taken care of. (Just to clarify so I don't get into trouble later, Shea was at a friends house for the night, but Taylor does not need a babysitter. She just enjoyed the company of my Mom and Dad and helped them out with Isabella and Nicholas.)

Saturday we went shopping with all the kids for SEVERAL hours. I had previously promised the kids that we would make our Christmas cookies that night. At 9:00 P.M. we started baking. At 11:00 the kitchen was trashed. At 11:45, we went downstairs in the movie room to watch Shea and Nick play Guitar Hero. Within 10 minutes of my chair being reclined and my blanket on, I fell asleep. Sorry Shea, Midnight is my limit.

Sunday morning Taylor and Shea went to their Dad's house for the rest of the week until Christmas. We got a babysitter for Isabella and went out into the blistery cold 10 degrees for more SHOPPING! We only had the babysitter for 3 hours, so we had to come home, pick up Isabella and head back out. Nick's parents offered to watch the kids, which was awesome, because we ran around like maniacs and got almost everything done.

Nick was a trooper the whole weekend and didn't complain once when we were at the mall two straight, long days in a row. Well, maybe he complained a little, but I did not see the sour puss face that he usually wears when we go to the mall. Okay, I saw the sour puss face once when we were at DSW Shoes with Taylor and Shea looking for new shoes. That's okay, it's a lot to ask of him to walk around a hot, crowded store full of women while carrying a very heavy diaper bag and a kid. That was at the beginning of our outing on Saturday. I was a little concerned but he was able to turn the mood around and finish the rest of the day with a smile. (Or was that a grimace?)

Now I have to wrap all this stuff. If you're looking for some fancy glimmery fabric bow - you're not getting it. You will receive a nicely wrapped present in pretty paper. But you will get a prefabricated bow stuck on the center of the box. I may switch it up a little and put the bow on the corner of the present every once in a while. I remembered to buy some scotch tape, so I will not have to use packing tape cut into small pieces this year. Just call me Martha, people.

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