Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm only 39 and 1/2!!!!!

I am falling apart......

Last week at my physical, I happened to casually mention to my doctor that for the last few months I have been experiencing heart palpitations during insignificant times, 3 or 4 times a month. She suggested that I see a cardiologist, who almost guaranteed me that I was in no danger, but to rule any possibility out, I have to wear a mini EKG and hit the record button when I have an episode. This little gadget with 4 wires attached to stickers stuck to my skin will be accompanying me for 30 days, all day long.

Saturday, while running around like a mad woman getting ready for the Homecoming dance, I started getting a tooth ache. Of course I ignored it because I had too much drama to deal with. Sunday the ache turned into a throb. Monday I was ready to die, and by Tuesday I wanted to chop my own head off just to end the pain. Somehow I developed an infection in my tooth and the gum surrounding it. Today I had the tooth pulled, which was a lovely experience that I do not wish to have again anytime soon.

Sunday, while loading my groceries into the car, I pulled my back out lifting a 40 pound bag of salt out of the cart to put into my car.

Picture this: (If you need to close your eyes to get the full effect, feel free) I am walking around with wires hanging off my body, hunched over with one hand on my back, and holding my cheek with the other hand, which by the way, is getting puffier by the minute. I look like a science experiment gone awry.

Just try to throw one more thing my way........


Sarah said...

Sounds, unfortunately, SO familiar.

Anonymous said...

Sandy, you missed your calling, you should be writing a column for a news paper. You have humor, wit, and a real sensitivity in your words. I not only enjoy the pictures of my four grandchildrens but I truly enjoy your comments.

Dad C

Sandy said...

Thanks Dad! (I paid him a lot of money to say that, and he got extra time with the grandchildren, too!)