Let me preface by saying this was a fun Christmas, but so hectic it was hard to enjoy it. This year, Taylor and Shea were with their Dad on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. They arrived home at Noon. They had less than 1 hour to open their gifts before we rushed out the door to go to my In-Laws house for dinner. From there, we rushed out again to go to my parents house for another dinner. We got home at 10:30 that night, and the kids were finally able to look at what they received from everyone for more than a couple seconds.
We are in the process of trying to determine a better way to celebrate Christmas with the whole family and still enjoy our time with everyone. We hope that next year, and the several years to come, we will be able to spend quality time with everyone in our family on this special holiday, and not feel like we slighted ourselves and our children from building our own family traditions.
We spent Christmas Eve at our house with my parents, sister and her family. Chloe brought Reindeer dust and the 3 girls sprinkled it all over the front yard. It must have worked because Santa came!

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