Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dog Treats for Dinner

Here's a funny little story that made us all laugh at the dinner table.

I buy "Canine Carryouts" dog treats for Gio and he gets one every time he goes potty outside. (Which is a lot. And now he's a big fatty.) But, that's beside the point. This is what the dog treats look like.

Last night I made cottage ham for dinner. For those of you who have never had cottage ham, this is what it looks like.

Nicholas took a couple bites, and said, "Mmm, this is yummy. Is it dog food?"

Yes. Yes it is. I just didn't feel like cooking dinner tonight, so I reached my hand into that big ol' bag of dog treats and plopped some on your plates.

I'm not sure which is more disturbing. The fact that he thought it was yummy, even though it may have been dog food, or the fact that it would be completely acceptable for me to serve dog treats to my family for dinner.

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