Friday, November 5, 2010

A Month in the Dark Ages

Holy canoli's!! We finally have internet again. How did I ever survive without it? Time Warner has been to our house 8 times in the last 4 weeks trying to determine what the prblem was. We started out with extremely slow connections to non-existent connections to the phone and security system not working. A couple of unlucky fellows tried to tell me that in was a speed issue and we needed to upgrade our speed. I unleashed a little fury on them and think I succeeded in letting them know that I was pretty certain that speed was not the problem. They never did really pinpoint the exact problem, but nevertheless, our Internet is finally working again.

So let me backtrack a little to the beginning of October when my darling little teenage girls went to Homecoming.

Taylor's date finally asked her the Monday afternoon before the dance. She had practice on Tuesday and Thursday nights, so that gave us Wednesday from 6 - 9 to buy dress. We found one at 8:45; 15 minutes before the mall closed and 45 minutes after Nicholas melted down. It was WAY over my budget, so we split it in half and both ran walked away happy. (With Nicholas arching his back and screaming in the stroller all the way through the mall to our car.)

After trying on every pair of black heels in Northeast Ohio, Shea found a pair of black flats that she was comfortable in and enabled her to not be taller than her date. A dilemma that I didn't think was a big deal, but she was adamant about.

Both girls had a great time, and Taylor started dating her date shortly after they went to the dance together. Shea decided that she wanted to remain strictly on a plutonic level with her date, who sadly did not feel the same way. The poor boy. I instantly liked him and was really pulling for him.


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