Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hot Day at the Pool

Yesterday we met my sister, Paige and Chloe at my parents house and spent the day swimming in the pool. It was 85 degrees and sunny. Even my mom got in the pool, which is very rare. All factors have to be in line: Hot weather, no breeze, and the pool has to be heated to at least 84 degrees.

It took Isabella and Nicholas a half an hour to get used to the pool and not be scared to death. In my genius way of thinking, I was having a conversation in front of Isabella about her chest floatie, and said that if we didn't put arm floaties on her too, she might flip over. Well, that was the end of that. She wouldn't go in the pool because she thought she was going to flip over. My Dad finally coaxed her into sitting on the edge of the pool (with Crocs on) and dangle her feet in. From there we got her in the pool and she was fine after that. Nicholas is going to take some more work. I got him in the pool while I held him, but he would only let his legs get wet. By July, he should have his arms in and hopefully by August, I can put his floatie on and let him go. I am not holding my breath though.

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