Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter 2011

I have been having Easter dinner at my house for about the last 10 years. I really enjoy having it, but every year, I get myself completely freaked out about the cleaning, shopping, egg hunt and basket preparations. It always works out, but the week before, I am stressed out and snippy to everyone in the house. I consider myself to be a relatively laid back person. I don't tend to get overly worked up about too many situations. But when I am entertaining - I turn into a blubbering idiot a few days before the event. I scurry around the house and try to get everything done at top speed. And usually while I am in one room cleaning, my children are in another wreaking total havoc. Taylor and Shea were both in Florida for the whole week. Taylor had a National Championship cheer leading competition in Orlando, so her Dad went and took Shea along, so that they could combine it with a vacation. I really missed them and wished they were here for Easter, but it did make my life a little easier with 2 less kids leaving their stuff all over the house.

Somehow, by Sunday, moments before everyone was due to arrive, everything was done. The kids were even clean, which is always a plus.

We have so much candy it's ridiculous. I have been eating snickers and Reese's eggs like a fiend, which is great because we are going to Hilton Head in 2 months and I want to be as fat as possible when I get there. And don't even get me started on Easter grass. The stuff should be outlawed. 

              Isabella's Easter party at preschool

We also celebrated Nick's birthday on Easter, and he was so excited that he got to open presents! He took it like a champ and didn't look completely mortified. He only had 2 gifts to open since his parents and my parents had given him his presents prior to the party.  

Incidentally, Taylor's cheer leading team won the National Championship for both their tumbling and non-tumbling routines. I don't have any pictures yet since I wasn't there, but I will post some when I get them. I'm so proud of these girls. They have worked really, really hard all year long. And I am DONE with cheer leading for the year! No more meetings, fundraisers, or competitions at 7 AM on Sundays, and no more treasurer duties! Yippee!! (Until next year)  

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