Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Isabella's BIrthday

Isabella turned 5 two weeks ago. Crazy, crazy, crazy that she is already 5. Time really needs to SLOW DOWN! I still have some of her teeny baby shoes and dresses hanging in her closet, because they were just too special to sell or give away, so I just left them there. They really need to go in a bin before I see them on Baby Alive with fake green beans crusted down the front. I just can't bring myself to put them away yet, though. I just put all the receiving blankets and crib bedding away last year and got a little sad doing so. It's horrible to say goodbye to all those baby things. She's so grown up and says all kinds of things that a 5 year old shouldn't say. Nothing inappropriate, but very teenager-ish. She calls me "Mom" more than the older kids do. (They still say Mommy.) She'll be going off to Kindergarten in a year, which will be the same time that Taylor leaves for college. I am going to need to be severely medicated to get through the 3rd week of August.

We had the family over for a party the weekend before her birthday, and for the second year in a row, were rained in, so instead of enjoying a beautiful summer day on the deck and in the yard, we were stuck in the house.

I think the highlight of the party to Isabella was that she got to feed her cousin, Natalee. She was bubbling over with excitement. And look at Natty's so, so proud big brother instructing and encouraging Isabella the whole time.

Even Nicholas got to hold Natalee for the very first time. I have been telling him no for all these weeks because I was too afraid that he might move suddenly and hurt her head or neck. I finally gave in when my sister in law assured me that he would be fine. That smile says it all. He was so happy and proud of himself, for about 60 seconds. Then he said, "Here Mommy, I'm all done." And that was that. He probably won't ask again.

I think Taylor might have the baby bug. She walked around with Natty for an hour while she slept, and then talked about how good she smelled all night. Hmmm, sounds a little like me.....

We passed this little doll around all day. Thank goodness my sister in law, Heidi, is so laid back because we sure had fun with this little cookie.

On the day of Isabella's birthday, Nick took the day off, as is his tradition, and we took the little kids to a cute place called Memphis Kiddie Park. They have only little kid rides, and every ride takes only 1 ticket. We had so much fun!

Nick and I took turns jamming our legs into this little roller coaster, and my back bone was bruised from banging into the back of the seat over every little hill and turn. This was Isabella's favorite ride at the park. Nicholas rode it once, and decided it was not for him. He's not what you would call a thrill seeker, where the rest of the 5 of us are. He doesn't like fast rides, or spinny things or even going high in the swing. We are hoping that it changes so that we can all ride the roller coasters together in a couple years.

Afterward, we came home and opened presents. Isabella has been asking for a Barbie Head that she could do hair and make-up on for months. She was so excited when she opened that box!

After presents, we went to Guido's for dinner by the birthday girl's request. When we came home, we had dessert and sang Happy Birthday.

Nice necklace, my little darling son. I didn't notice that he had it on until I was looking at the pictures later.

Taylor had just as much fun doing Barbie's hair as Isabella did.

What a perfect day. When I put her to bed that night, she thanked me and said it was the best day ever. That is what it's all about. We are so blessed to have this beautiful creature in our lives. I love you so much, Isabella Grace!

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