Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Little Bartering Goes a Long Way

Shea wants a cell phone so bad, it pains her. Taylor was allowed to have a cell phone the summer before she entered the 8th grade. At that point, I felt she was responsible enough to take care of it, and probably needed one for extra carilculars/social life. For the last 6-8 months, Shea has become much more involved in activities, and is way more social than Taylor was in the 7th Grade. I am constantly giving Shea my cell phone so that she has a way of contacting us when she is away from home. I made her a deal about 4 months ago that if she could keep her room clean for 60 days straight, she could get a cell phone. Thereafter, she also had to maintain the cleanliness. I thought for sure that was the incentive that she needed to get the ball rolling in becoming more organized in her bedroom. She didn't make it more than a couple days before the clothes were back on the floor and all the drawers of her dresser were open again. (This is really bizarre, by the way. It completely defies gravity when every single drawer is super extended, filled with clothes and the dresser does not fall over.)

Shea is officially the only kid in her "Group" that does not have a cell phone. I am made aware of this fact at least a couple times a week. I continue to remind her that she could be furiously texting at the moment if only she were able to keep her room clean. I have decided to assist her. Last week, together, we tackled her bedroom and bathroom. We sorted trash, donations, and keepers. I told her I would put together a check list of everything that needed to be done on a nightly basis in order to keep her room clean.

I am proud to say that she is 9 days closer to her goal. I have had to give some friendly reminders, but otherwise, she’s doing great. For the first time ever, she got her clothes from the laundry room, folded them herself and put them all away without being asked. I was jumping for joy!

This is her checklist:

  • All clothes off the floor either put away or thrown in the hamper
  • No paper or trash on the floors or dressers
  • All drawers closed
  • Bathroom tidy (Clothes off the floor, toilet flushed, towels hung up)

It should take her no more than 10 minutes per day to keep her room neat and tidy. I think she might just do it this time!

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