Wednesday, August 19, 2009

7 More Days Until School Starts

I am not ready for the school year to begin. This summer has been the shortest 9 weeks of my life. For weeks, I have been avoiding the school supply section at Target like the plague. This Monday, the kids came home from their trip to New York City with their dad, and we headed to Target for the big shop.

There was a time when I loved school supply shopping. Picking out princess folders and notebooks. Cute little ladybug lunchboxes, and Disney bookbags. Now, folders are plain, lunch boxes are brown paper bags, and we have officially outgrown Target in exchange for Staples and OfficeMax. And, instead of helping with the selection of pencils and markers, I chased an 18 month old maniac around the store for 1 hour, while my 3 year followed me and talked on my cell phone giving my parents a blow by blow of our shopping experience. As we were getting ready to check out, Isabella saw a girl in one of the isles with pink hair, and started screaming over and over "Mommy, that girl has pink hair, that girl has pink hair!" What do you say to that? "Oh, yes honey - isn't that pretty? And if you ever do that to your hair, I will shave your head while you sleep!"

$150 later, I was completely stressed, and Nicholas was P.O'd that I wouldn't let him pick any more gum off the floor, but I had happy teenagers, and everything they needed to start the year.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's not so fun when you can't coerrce them into buying Holly Hobby lunch boxes and kitten folders, is it? Now they just know how to pick out the most expensive thing...
but they're back to school and that's what counts! No more driving least between the hours of 8-2.