Friday, August 21, 2009

Topper Night

Wednesday night was a "meet the fall sports teams" night at the High School. The school introduced every player of every team, every cheerleader, and every band member. Both the band and the cheerleaders performed.

Taylor is on the J.V. Football squad, basketball squad, and Chardon also has a competition team that she also made. (This also means that I have been driving her to and from practice everyday for the entire summer) - I'm not complaining; I'm just stating facts.

Here is Taylor performing her public debut back hand spring. She nailed it from what I heard, but of course I didn't actually see it because I was looking at the darn camera screen. She has been taking private tumbling lessons for a few months specifically to learn this back handspring. It's good to know that $40 per hour has not been for naught. Good job Tay, you looked fantastic out there, and I will be in the bleachers every Saturday morning to watch you cheer with your brother strapped tightly in the stroller so that I don't have to chase him around rather than watch you!

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