Friday, November 12, 2010


As I've previously said, summer is my favorite season. I love it, love it, love it. I like the heat and the sun. I lived in Austin Texas for 2 years and survived 105 + temperatures just fine. I could live in the desert and be perfectly happy. Just give me a pair of sunglasses, a bathing suit and put my by the pool, and I would live out my days in sheer joy.

That being said, I also love fall. I like high school football games, changing leaves, warm days and cool nights, and the smell of it all.

We are lucky to have a pretty big yard that is very wooded. One of the kid's and my favorite things to do is go for walks in the woods and explore the nature. This is how we have been spending those nice days this fall. 

No one can resist the lure of a mucky, freezing cold creek.

Unless you fall in.

Tell us, Isabella. How did it make you feel when you fell on your rear end, got up, and instantly fell forward on your knees because your boots were stuck in the mud? Was it upsetting?
(I know what your thinking. I'm a sick person to take pictures of my own child's misfortune. Oh, chill out. I eventually helped her out of the creek after a few quick snaps of the camera.)

Jumping in a big leaf pile is the best.........

Unless you're Gio.

It's serious business hauling those leaves around.  

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