Monday, July 21, 2008

My Complaint for Today

I always grocery shop at the Giant Eagle in Chardon. They always have what I need and I know my way around the store really well now. The only thing I hate about that store is they only have one big cart with the seats in the front for little kids, and I can almost never find it. So, what I have to do is put Nicholas' car seat in the front seat of the regular cart and Isabella inside the back of the cart. Then I have to pull an empty cart behind me for all my food. As you can imagine, it is the biggest pain in the butt. Today, a quarter of the way through my shopping, Isabella started screaming to get out of the cart and kept trying to stand up, and Nicholas decided that if he didn't have a bottle immediately, he was going to die. I took Isabella out so that she didn't fall out and told her she had to walk. She proceeded to pull everything off the shelves. If she wasn't taking things off the shelves, she was running in the opposite direction from me. I had to keep pausing to feed Nicholas to either put the stuff back on the shelf or chase after Isabella, which made Nicholas start screaming. Grocery shopping should not be this difficult. Is it a stretch for the store to think that there might be more than one woman with small children shopping at a time???

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