Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Starting Bad Habits

Yesterday went very well for the kids on their first day of school. Taylor said that High School was not too overwhelming and she got to each class on time. Shea was originally disappointed about the team of teachers that she was assigned this year, but yesterday, she found that most of them were pretty cool. And the one who's not, she will just have to deal with and do her best.

Taylor overslept yesterday and was running around like a maniac with her crying and whining voice in full swing. If you read my previous blog about Taylor's lack of coping skills, you can imagine how it went over yesterday. When I get up with the kids on school days, I literally get out of bed, make their lunches, and then drive them to school in my pajamas. I am hardly awake during any of these activities, which is probably a little dangerous since I am driving a car. So, anyway, it is a shock to my senses to listen to "the Voice" as I like to call it, at 6:45 in the morning. But, because it was the first day, and I know she was freaking out for that reason alone, I kept my cool and helped her flat iron the rest of her hair. We were out the door, and on time to school. Today, Shea remembered half way to school that she didn't bring any clothes for cross country practice after school. She quickly came up with the solution of me bringing her clothes at some point during the day up to the school. What's the big deal, right? Now I have to drive 15 minutes back to the school, take both kids out of the car, and wait to be buzzed into the school so that I can give the secretary the bag of clothes. Now do you see why I like the summer???

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